David Coleman
CEO, University of Birmingham Enterprise Ltd
CEO, University of Birmingham Enterprise Ltd
Diana Galpin
Director Enterprise & Knowledge Exchange, University of Southampton
Director Enterprise & Knowledge Exchange, University of Southampton
Dr Alwin Wong
RTTP, Chair, Asia Sub-Committee, Internal Strategy Committee, AUTM
RTTP, Chair, Asia Sub-Committee, Internal Strategy Committee, AUTM
Elisa Villani
Associate Professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, University of Bologna
Associate Professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, University of Bologna
Eri Hoshi
Co-founder of KOSEI (Knowledge Transfer of Sports, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation) LLC.
Co-founder of KOSEI (Knowledge Transfer of Sports, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation) LLC.
Fabienne Hocquet
Head of Boosting and Relation with Companies, within KTO, ULiège
Head of Boosting and Relation with Companies, within KTO, ULiège
Fazilet Vardar
Director, SUNUM - Sabancı University Nanotechnology Research and Application Center
SUNUM - Sabancı University Nanotechnology Research and Application Center
Gabriel Galvez-Behar
Dean of Humanities Facuty, Lille University
Dean of Humanities Facuty, Lille University
Giancarlo Caratti
Former Head for Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer - European Commission, Belgium
Former Head for Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer - European Commission, Belgium
Giuseppina Caligiuri
Research Director, head of the Cardiovascular Immunobiology Team, Laboratory for Vascular Translational Science - INSERM U1148
Research Director, head of the Cardiovascular Immunobiology Team, Laboratory for Vascular Translational Science - INSERM U1148
Hana Kosová
Director of Technology transfer Office, Charles University